viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019



La Batalla de Covadonga tuvo lugar en el año 718 o en el 722 en Covadonga (España), un paraje próximo a Cangas de Onís (Asturias), entre el ejército astur de Don Pelayo y tropas de al-Ándalus, que resultaron derrotadas. Esta acción bélica fue el inicio de la Reconquista.
Don Pelayo
The Battle of Covadonga was the first victory won by Christian military forces in Iberia after the Islamic conquest of Hispania in 711–718. It was fought at Covadonga, either in 718 or 722. The battle was central to the creation of an independent Christian principality in the mountains of the northwestern region of the Iberian peninsula that grew into the Kingdom of Asturias and became a bastion of Christian resistance to the expansion of Muslim rule. As a result, the Battle of Covadonga has been credited by historians with catalyzing the Reconquista or the "reconquest" of Christian rule to the entire península.

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